What is a Momo?

I often get the question, 'what is a momo'? A momo is a type of dumpling which is native to Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and parts of India. When I was trekking through the Mt Everest Region in Nepal, we ended up making, and eating, a lot of momo's (sometimes water buffalo, mainly vegetarian, always fresh).

My very good friend and trekking buddy Rachel affectionately named me 'Momo' and the nickname stuck. A momo is many things to me...it is of course, food and nourishment, but it is also a reminder of the times I shared together with some incredible people - hence, to me, it is also inspiration. When I began looking for a name for my website, it seemed like a natural fit and the name 'The Making of a Momo' was born.

can i use your recipes / Photo's?

All content, photographs and recipes are original and have been created by myself. 

If you find a recipe or a picture which inspires you, then by all means, go ahead and share! Please just link back to the original recipe or blog post with credit in the copy. If you are a for profit business, I would love to hear from you to discuss ways in which we could collaborate!